
Dr. Victor Yurovsky

Lecturer of Russian

Institute of Slavic Languages and Literatures

+41 31 684 49 70
B 348
Postal Address
Institut für Slavische Sprachen und Literaturen
Länggassstrasse 49
3012 Bern

Dr. Victor Yurovsky studied German and Philosophy and completed his studies in 1986. As of 1993 he worked as and assistant and language lecturer at the Institute of Slavistic at the University of Zurich. After finishing his doctoral thesis ("Asyndetische Sprachgefüge in direktiven Sprechakten"), he worked as a Post-Doc on a project, financed by the Swiss National Fonds.

Since 2002 he has been teaching Russian at the University of Geneva, since 2005 at the University of Bern.

Bezsojuznoe složnoe predloženie v direktivnyx rečevyx aktax. (Slavica Helvetica Band 53). Bern 1996.

Struktura i stil' sovetskogo političeskogo nekrologa. In: Weiss Daniel (hg.). Der Tod in der Propaganda (Sowjetunion und Volksrepublik Polen). Bern - Frankfurt 1999, S. 22-106.

Ob-ekt stilističeskogo issledovanija "Arxipelag GULAG" A.I.Solženicyna. In: Naučnye zapiski 2000, 2, 151-157.

Ritoričeskaja organizacija posvjaščenija i predislovij k "Arxipelagu GULAG" A.I.Solženicyna. In: Naučnye zapiski 2001, 2, 258-268.

Interpretacija kak sostavnaja čast' stilističeskogo issledovanija xudožestvennogo proizvedenija "Arxipelaga GULAG" A.I.Solženicyna. In: Russische Philologie 2002, 3, 47-51.