
M. A. Aldona Rzitki


+41 31 684 35 80
B 342
Postal Address
Institut für Slavische Sprachen und Literaturen
Länggassstrasse 49
3012 Bern

Studied German and Comparative Literature at the Ruhr University Bochum (DE). Studied Empirical Multilingualism Research in the Master's programme at the Technical University of Dortmund and the Ruhr University Bochum (DE). Graduated in December 2021 with a Master's thesis on «Auswirkungen der Mehrsprachigkeit auf die kognitiven Defizite bei Demenz. Eine empirische Studie mit mono- und bilingualen Proband:innen» ["Effects of multilingualism on cognitive deficits in dementia. An empirical study with mono- and bilingual subjects"]. Since August 2021 assistant and PhD student in Slavic Linguistics at the chair of Dr. Katrin Bente Karl; since FS23 member of the GSH and participation in the PhD programme Studies in Language and Society.

Her research focuses mainly on multilingualism, language(s) and dementia, language(s) and age, lLanguage in the course of life, cognition and language(s), language attitudes, language biography and German-Polish multilingualism.

Title of PhD project: Dynamiken von (Sprach-) Biografie, Sprachkompetenz, Spracheinstellung und Kognition. Deutsch-Polnische Mehrsprachigkeit im hohen Alter. [Dynamics of (language) biography, language competence, language attitudes and cognition. German-Polish multilingualism in old age.]