Upcoming Events

Colloquium for Slavic Linguistics Bern-Zurich

Colloquium for Slavic Linguistics Bern-Zurich

From February to May 2025, a colloquium for slavic linguistics takes place in Bern and in Zurich. Six linguists from different universities have been invited. The lectures take place on Thursdays from 16:15 to 18:00 in Zurich or in Bern. Please find more information in the attached document.

Flyer Colloquium for Slavic Linguistics (PDF, 62KB)

General Assembly of the Fachschaft of Slavic Studies Bern

General Assembly of the Fachschaft of Slavic Studies Bern

When: Wednesday, 5th of March, 2025, 16:15 Uhr Where: Unitobler / Institute of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 3. floor The committee informs about and discusses recent events, projects and questions about the degree course and the fachschaft. We would be happy, if you joined us with your questions, ideas and inputs! All students of Slavic Studies are welcome and have a vote. Of course, you may also join and simply listen to what is being talked about. You can find the agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the last meeting (both in German).

Traktandenliste (PDF, 122KB) Protokoll vom 28.02.2024 (PDF, 150KB)



Once per month, we meet at the Institut für Slavische Sprachen Literaturen (UniTobler, 3rd floor) for a chill evening. We would be happy to see you around! All students and member of staff and everyone who is interested in Eastern Europe are welcome.

Flyer: Slavbeer Spring Semester 25 (JPG, 221KB)