
Dr. Simeon Dekker

ancien assistant

Adresse postale
Institut für Slavische Sprachen und Literaturen
Länggassstrasse 49
3012 Bern

Études en philologies anglaise et slave à Leyde et Saint-Pétersbourg.

Doctorat en 2016 à Leyde (thèse de doctorat sur les documents sur écorce de bouleau). Une version revue et corrigée a paru chez l’édition Brill en 2018:

Simeon Dekker (2018). Old Russian Birchbark Letters: A Pragmatic Approach (Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 42). Leiden/Boston: Brill/Rodopi. 10.1163/9789004417137


Jusqu’à maintenant, les critiques suivantes ont été publiées:

Pavel V. Petrukhin (2019). Voprosy jazykoznanija 2019/4: 155-160. 10.31857/S0373658X0005711-1

Imke Mendoza (2019). Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 5/2. https://doi.org/10.1515/jhsl-2018-0010

Jump to: 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2014


Dekker, Simeon (2022). Past tense usage in Old Russian performative formulae. A case study into the development of a written language of distance. In: Mendoza, Imke; Birzer, Sandra (eds.) Diachronic Slavonic Syntax: Traces of Latin, Greek and Church Slavonic. Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs: Vol. 348 (pp. 179-198). De Gruyter

Kakridis, Ioannis; Dekker, Simeon (2022). Der diatribische Stil bei Kosmas dem Presbyter und Grigorij Camblak. Studi Slavistici, XIX(1), pp. 27-48. 10.36253/Studi_Slavis-12473

Dekker, Simeon (2022). Features of the "diatribe" in the writings of Iosif Volotskii. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. Jazyk i literatura, 19(2), pp. 389-408. Izdatel´stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta 10.21638/spbu09.2022.212

Dekker, Simeon (2022). Features of the Cynic-Stoic diatribe in early Slavic homilies: Clement of Ohrid and his literary heritage. Palaeobulgarica, 46(2), pp. 97-120. Bălgarska akademija na naukite


Dekker, Simeon (2021). Die Übersetzung griechisch-diatribischer Formeln beim Exarchen Johannes: Am Beispiel seiner kompilativen Homilie zum Evangelisten Johannes. In: Sub specie aeternitatis: Сборник научных статей к 60‑летию Вадима Борисовича Крысько (pp. 568-585). Москва: Азбуковник.

Dekker, Simeon (2021). The Slavic rendition of Greek speech reporting verbs in Chrysostom’s homilies in the Codex Suprasliensis: A case study into the transmission of diatribal discourse organization. Slověne, 10(1), pp. 186-216. Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences 10.31168/2305-6754

Dekker, Simeon (2021). Parenthetical verbs as elements of diatribe in John the Exarch’s Hexaemeron: Greek continuities and Slavic innovations. Die Welt der Slaven, 66(2), pp. 238-267. Harrassowitz Verlag

Dekker, Simeon (2021). The translation and transmission of ‘diatribal’ verbs in the textual traditions of the Zlatostruj collection. Russian linguistics, 45(2), pp. 175-200. Springer 10.1007/s11185-021-09243-4

Dekker, Simeon (2021). Parenthetical verbs Zlatostruj [Dataset].

Dekker, Simeon (2021). Hexaemeron [Dataset]. In: Dataset about "Parenthetical verbs as elements of diatribe in John the Exarch’s Hexaemeron: Greek continuities and Slavic innovations.".

Dekker, Simeon (2021). Verba dicendi 5 homilies Suprasliensis [Dataset].


Dekker, Simeon (2020). Употребление глагольных времён в древнерусских перформативных высказываниях: прагматический подход. In: Dutch Contributions to the Sixteenth International Congress of Slavists - Linguistics: Belgrade, August 20-27, 2018. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics: Vol. 44 (pp. 54-75). Leiden/Boston: Brill


Dekker, Simeon (September 2019). Die Pragmatik der Dialogizität in ostslavischen Quellen des Spätmittelalters. In: 13. Deutscher Slavistentag (pp. 86-87). Berlin: Frank & Timme


Dekker, Simeon (2018). Three dimensions of proximity and distance in the Old Russian birchbark letters. In: Kapetanovic, Amir (ed.) The Oldest Linguistic Attestations and Texts in the Slavic Languages (pp. 176-190). Wien: Holzhausen

Dekker, Simeon (2018). Old Russian Birchbark Letters: A Pragmatic Approach. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics: Vol. 42. Leiden/Boston: Brill/Rodopi 10.1163/9789004353206


Schaeken, Jos; Fortuin, Egbert; Dekker, Simeon (2014). Эпистолярный дейксис в новгородских берестяных грамотах. Вопросы языкознания, pp. 21-38. Nauka

Fortuin, Egbert; Houtzagers, Peter; Kalsbeek, Janneke; Dekker, Simeon (eds.) (2014). Dutch Contributions to the Fifteenth International Congress of Slavists. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics: Vol. 40. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi

Dekker, Simeon (2014). Communicative heterogeneity in Novgorod birchbark letters: A case study into the use of imperative subjects. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics, 40, pp. 1-23. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi

28.02.2019       Mezinárodní paleoslovenistická konference „Nahé jsou všechny
                         národy bez knih“, Prag
                         “Greek dialogical strategies in medieval Slavic sources of the
                         Cyrillo-Methodian literary heritage.”

18.01.2019       Research Network of Urban Literacy, Aarhus (auf Einladung)
                         “The development of conceptual literacy in medieval Novgorod.”

13.12.2018       A Host of Tongues… Multilingualism, Lingua Franca and Translation
                         in the Early Modern Period, Lissabon
                         “The pragmatics of dialogicality in Russian: Interplay of local and 
                         foreign elements.”

29.11.2018       Ruthenica alba Bernensia / Weißrussische Studien in Bern
                        “Birkenrindentexte der westlichen Rus’.”

21.08.2018      XVI. Internationaler Slavistenkongress, Belgrad
                        “Перформативные формулы и употребление глагольных времён
                        в древнерусских грамотах: Прагматический подход.”

04.11.2017       3rd Diachronic Slavonic Syntax conference, Salzburg
                         “The role of performative formulae in the development of past tense 
                         usage in Old Russian birchbark letters.”

19.10.2017       Slavic and East-European Lectures, Gent (auf Einladung)
                        “Oud-Russische berkenbastbrieven: Een pragmatische benadering.”

04.11.2016      Međunarodni znanstveni skup ‘Najstarije jezične potvrde i tekstovi
                        slavenskih jezika,’ Zagreb
                        “Old Russian birchbark letters from Novgorod and surroundings.”

24.06.2016     Slavisches Seminar, Amsterdam (auf Einladung)
                       “Old Russian birchbark letters: A pragmatic approach.”

14.11.2014     Nederlands-Vlaamse Slavistendagen, Amsterdam
                       “Performatieven in de Oud-Russische berkenbastbrieven: 
                       Een pragmatische benadering.”

31.07.2014     Historical Sociolinguistics Network, Kristiansand
                       “A pragmaphilological approach to Old Russian birchbark letters.”

15.05.2014     1st Poznań Historical Sociopragmatics Symposium, Poznań
                       “A pragmaphilological account of past tense performatives in Old Russian
                       birchbark letters.”

29.04.2014     Семинар по истории русского языка и культуры, Moskau (auf Einladung)
                       “Перформативное употребление глагольных времен в берестяных 

25.10.2012     Vlaams-Nederlandse Slavistendagen, Groningen
                       “Я у тебе слышоу цето ты моловише: Mondelinge elementen in
                       communicatie op berkenbast.”